Weekly Praises and Prayers

Hey Prayer Warriors, Praises: Two confirmed speakers for our fundraising banquet. Two new Barnabas Group members have signed up to give $10 monthly. Kilby Shores has 28 students in their GNC! (In previous years when registration forms weren’t sent home, they had only 3-5 children.) Internet and technology issues have been resolved in our office. […]

Weekly Praises and Prayers

Hey Prayer Warriors, Praises: TARRALLTON ELEMENTARY PRINCIPAL APPROVED THE REQUEST FOR A GNC!!!! Details are coming together for the Tallwood GNC, and they are anticipating a February start date.  We have received several teens interested in joining CYIA for the summer. Prayer requests: Tarrallton is still making the process difficult. Individuals to commit to attending […]

Weekly Praises and Prayers

Hey Prayer Warriors, Praises: Restore Church (Portsmouth) is interested in CYIA. Possible new location at Northwest Annex (military installation) for a 5-Day Club. Tarrallton Elementary’s principal is checking room availability to host a GNC.  Seventeen people attended the Quick Start Training on Saturday. Prayer Requests: Tallwood Elementary principal to sign the facility request allowing a […]

Weekly Praises and Prayers

Hey Prayer Warriors, Thank you for your commitment to pray for his ministry. Praises: 17 children have made professions as of the end of December for this club year. A new GNC is anticipated to start at Tallwood Elementary soon, and the team is coming together quickly. Prayer requests: The Quick Start Training to go […]

Weekly Praises and Prayers

Hey Prayer Warriors, Praises: We have an opportunity for two new locations to hold 5-Day Clubs. Volunteers are signed up for the Quick Start Training in January.  Ten CYIA were able to attend the Christmas Party at Makayla’s home and celebrate together.  Prayers: GNC at Kilby Shores Elementary starts on January 7.  Makayla’s CYIA presentations […]

Weekly Praises and Prayers

Hey Prayer Warriors, Attached is the January Prayer Calendar. Praises: 6 Christmas Party Clubs had a total of 52 children in attendance. GNC at Lakeview & Douglass Park Elementary will begin on January 8 and 9.  Christmas Party Club on December 23 had 8 children in attendance.  $1,485 was received from our December fundraising letter. […]

Weekly Praises and Prayers

Hey Prayer Warriors, Praises: The Christmas Party Club at Three Oaks Elementary had 12 children in attendance. The Christmas Party Club at Chesapeake Christian Academy had 7 children in attendance.  The Christmas Party Club at Indian Creek Welcome Baptist Church and School had 5 children in attendance. The Christmas Party Club at MacDonald Manor Public […]

Weekly Praises and Prayers

Hey Prayer Warriors, Praises: Another Christmas Party Club will be held at a local public housing recreation room. The boy who requested a GNC at Three Oaks is coming to the Christmas Party Club being held there along with his brother. The Kiptopeke GNC had a Christmas play complete with costumes and family members in […]