Will you be a Barnabas?

The Greek name Barnabas means “son of encouragement” (Acts 4:36). In the Bible, Barnabas was a disciple known for his mentoring and support that aided Paul in taking the Gospel message throughout Asia minor.

Here in the Tidewater area, we want to take the Gospel into all 147 elementary schools – a mission field of over 76,000 boys and girls (grades K-5th).

In order to do that, the CEF Tidewater Chapter needs a few like Barnabas willing to pray for and consistently financially support our clubs. We are asking the Lord to raise up a mighty Barnabas Group of 100 volunteers/supporters who will enable us to double the number of after-school Good News Clubs.

You are invited to join the Barnabas Group who:

1. Agrees to give a recurring amount of $10 or more monthly online through our donation portal at

2. Covenant to pray for the vital ministry to children with Good News Clubs, 5-Day Clubs, and Party clubs

Members of the Barnabas Group will receive monthly email updates on what God is doing (praise) and weekly prayer needs around the Tidewater area.

Will you be a Barnabas and help take the Gospel message throughout the Tidewater area?