Hey Prayer Warriors,


A church has agreed to pay Suffolk Public Schools invoice for Kilby Shores GNC.

A church is interested in sponsoring Windsor Woods GNC.

From Occohannock GNC, “The children are very attentive to the memory verse and Bible stories. They are growing in their understanding of God’s love to us through Christ.”

Prayer requests:

Pray for many responses to the fundraising letter sent to about 160 individuals/couples.

Sponsor for Three Oaks GNC

New team of volunteers from New Covenant Presbyterian Church to complete the CPP requirements.

Favorable responses from Norfolk and Portsmouth Public Schools to allow GNCs.

“That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers for the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world.” (Ephesians 2:12)

Paul in his letter to the Ephesians reminds the former gentiles in Ephesus that at one time they were without Christ.

An excerpt from The Institute of Creation Research:

There are thus seven things we cannot do without. We cannot do without Christ, without the shedding of His blood, without his sinlessness, without faith in Him, without works for Him, without holiness unto Him, and without chastisement by Him. He said, “Without me ye can do nothing,” (John 15:5). But with Him, we have everything.

By, Henry M. Morris

Yours in Christ,


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