Hey Prayer Warriors,


Carrow Baptist Church wants to move forward in supporting a GNC at Arrowhead.

Northampton County has provided a vacant classroom for the Kiptopeke GNC to be used only by them as well as a complete waiver of over $4,000 in fees.

Hickory Ridge GNC started Tuesday


Fees to be waived or reduced in Norfolk, Portsmouth and Suffolk schools

All GNC using digital curriculum will be prepared to use and be blessed by the new CEF+ app

Volunteers will have completed CPP and Quick Start Training to begin volunteering in GNC

Many salvations and much spiritual growth to be seen in each club.

“And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the son to be the Saviour of the world.” (1 John 4:14)

Here at CEF, we agree along with the Apostle John that the Father did send His son to be our Saviour and Lord. Without Jesus going to the cross for us where would we be?

Yours in Christ,


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