Hey Prayer Warriors,


Successful Good News Club Quick Start Training with 44 attendees.

Grace Hennessey (CYIA and intern) assisted with the teaching of the Wordless Book Workshop at Quick Start Training.

Five volunteers signed up from Kempsville Christian to participate in the Point O’View GNC.  GNC at Point O’View will be able to resume for the 2024-2025 school year.

A donor provided funds for the purchase of Bibles to be given to students who are in need of a Bible in the Good News Clubs.


Many financial givers will respond to the Barnabas Fundraising Campaign which was introduced at the Quick Start Training.

A restful and rejuvenating holiday weekend for all staff and volunteers.

Completion of the Tidewater’s revised strategic plan for state.

CYIA Preparation for the Grandfather’s Day Outreach on Friday, September 6.

Open door for Julie Jones to share about the GNC with Pastor Shaun on the Eastern Shore.

At least two more volunteers to be a part of the GNC team at W.T. Cooke for it to resume this school year.

Then He said to His disciples, ” The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” (Matthew 9:37)

As we celebrate our annual Labor Day, we are thankful for those who labored so diligently to bring God’s Word to our country. So, let us pray for the CEF laborers (DTL’s, Team leaders, and volunteers) who will begin serving in our GNC’s and for the children who will be hearing God’s Word.

Yours in Christ,


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