Hey Prayer Warriors,
An academy where our 5-Day Club was held requested us to participate at their Grandfather’s Day event where 100 people would be present.
New office manager, Cathy McCarty, was hired and will begin working next week.
Anchor Church contacted CEF requesting additional information about the Good News Clubs.
New principal at Tarrallton Elementary has verbally declined the GNC to begin at the start of the school year.
Facility requests were submitted to College Park, Centerville and Holland for approval.
Susan has a church presentation at Kempsville Christian on Sunday, August 25 to promote the need for GNC volunteers at Point O’View Elementary.
Open Houses begin the week of August 18 and several team leaders will be present to promote the GNC
“Study to show thyself approved under God, a workman needth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15)
As we approach the start of the GNC’s let us prepare ourselves by prayer and consistent study of God’s Word. Paul was challenging Timothy to study, be bold in his witness and correctly present the Gospel (This is exactly what happens at CEF).
Yours in Christ,